Canada Citizenship Form CIT 0002E

Form CIT 0002E is used by individuals of 18 years of age or older, who have been permanent residents and who wish to apply for Canadian citizenship. Individuals must:

  • have resided in Canada for at least four of the past six years preceding the date of application.
  • be able to speak and communicate in English or French (adults 65 years of age or older are exempted).
  • have general knowledge of Canada and of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship (adults 65 years of age or older are exempted).

Individuals with a criminal record, facing criminal charges or subject to immigration enforcement action may be ineligible for citizenship.

Who Should Apply for Canada Citizenship using Form CIT 0002E

Form CIT 0002E is for individuals who want to apply for Canadian citizenship and meet the following general criteria:

  • persons aged 18 years of age or older.
  • permanent residents (landed immigrants) of Canada.
  • persons having met the citizenship residence requirements.

Canada Citizenship Requirements

In order to qualify for Canadian citizenship, individuals must meet the general eligibility requirements:

  • be 18 years of age or older;
  • be a permanent resident (landed immigrant) in Canada;
  • should have lived in Canada for a total of four (4) years (1460 days) out of the six (6) years on the day before you apply.
  • know enough English or French to engage in a simple conversation; and
  • have general knowledge about Canada's history, geography, government, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship to pass a citizenship test (adults 65 years of age and over are exempt).

What are the steps in the Canada Citizenship Process using Form CIT 0002E?

  1. Complete your application quickly and correctly with our step-by-step guidance that leads you through each question or download and complete blank forms available directly form the IRCC (formerly known as the CIC).
  2. Pay the government filing fee online. The fee paid to the Government of Canada is separate from the fee paid to Immigration Direct.
  3. Gather your supporting documents and submit them with your application to CIC.
  4. Upon notification from CIC, appear for the Citizenship Test and Interview.
  5. Upon approval, get sworn in at the Citizenship Ceremony.
Start Your Application